Somers Healing & Consulting


Shamanism is the ancestral mother of the human spiritual experience – Howard G. Charing


FIRST: Are you stuck or feeling lost in relation to yourself or the world you live in? Are you noticing recurring patterns that are unhealthy or disturbing to your life’s purpose?  Have you tried various techniques but but unable to find your way? Do you feel strongly that what you are reading on this page calls you? Then this might be the time for you to request a shamanic JOURNEY.

SECOND: When you request the JOURNEY you may ask questions and assess whether you feel comfortable with the shaman.

THIRD: Once you have made the request, a date and time will be set up when you will receive a call to discuss the results of the JOURNEY. From the moment you request the JOURNEY you will be held in an energy field of love and protection. Nothing is needed from you when the JOURNEY is done long distance. You may go about your daily life as you usually would. Have a level of trust that you are in good hands and reflect on your divine connection because it is only through divinity that anything truly heals.  (AT this time I am not conducting JOURNEYS in person.)

Anything left undone in the psyche will come up over and over again for further breakthrough.

The shaman is really a story-teller of one’s own life, that part of life that has been held invisibly in the subconscious or even in the pre-conscious state.

REQUIRED READING BEFORE REQUESTING A SESSION:  Soul Recovery and Extraction by Ai Gvhdi Waya (paperback) or on Kindle

FEES:  $300 includes a written Journey Report and phone consultation or WhatsAPP call, as well as follow-up calls as requested. Family rate is provided with a $25 discount for each additional family member. WHOLENESS WITHIN A FAMILY IS A BLESSING TO US ALL. Clients of ten years or more will be provided with a reduced rate. 


1. Fear not & likewise create no fear in others.

2. Respect boundaries – never invade the space of others. Conduct SR&E only on those who expressly request for and provide payment  for this work.

3. Trust that there are a myriad of paths to healing; SR&E is only one way.

4. Trust the individual to find his or her own meaning from the SR&E work and don’t impose more than a minimum of my own interpretation.

5. Educate individuals to recognize wholeness and to retain and operate from wholeness so that boundaries of others are not violated and so one’s own boundaries remain permeable only to acts of creation.



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